Wednesday, September 26, 2007

David Shuster

First, watching the clip in this link was pure enjoyment for me. I'm so tired of Republicans getting unfettered, unquestioned, bullshit talking points out with no, you know, actual reporting to call them on it.

But I also want to put up my (mostly meaningless) vote for giving David Shuster his own show on MSNBC. I always love how deeply probing his reporting is, cutting through the bullshit to the heart of the matter. My only concern would be that if they gave him his own show, they might stop him from going out and reporting. He should get his own show as a reporter, not just as another talking head. Though even as a talking head, in the clip above, he showed his chops. Go Dave!


armagh444 said...

They could always give Tucker Carlson's time slot to Schuster. Gods know, Tucker isn't doing anything worthwhile with it.

hedera said...

That was astounding. If someone else wants to run against her, they really just need to put up a web site with that interview on it...

armagh444 said...

MSNBC made him apologize.

Yes, they made a reporter apologize for asking tough questions, for challenging the Conventional Wisdom of DC, and for not letting a pol get away with pussyfooting their way out of being straightforward.

How pathetic.

DBB said...

It just sickens me to hear that. It is even sadder that it was Dan Abrams that made him do it. I always liked Dan. *sigh*

I want to throw up or scream or do something. There really is no point trying to engage these people - they are cynical, manipulative people that thrive the on the right-wing-authoritarian sheep that run the GOP and now apparently totally dominate the media and dicate what even the Democratic pols do (which is why they have no spine).

You can see examples of this brought up every day on Glenn Greenwald's blog. I recommend to everyone that you read it. I sincerely hope he is the future of political reporting - if he's not, we're all screwed and might as well sit at home and play video games and watch DVDs all day.

armagh444 said...

Greenwald is, I think, an exceptional example of the blog reporting and commentary at its best.